I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I joined back in 1964 after a long struggle with faith. I had loved the Savior ever since I could remember, but the church of my youth deserted me as it moved into the intellect movement of the 60's. Without spiritual guidance, I fell away. The Lord distinguished between the words of my mouth and the longing of my heart. He knew that I wanted to believe and so he sent a young woman who told me the story of the Restored Gospel. She bore her testimony of Jesus Christ and promised me that I could know for myself and have my own testimony.

Now forty-six years later I can only thank her from the bottom of my heart for introducing me to the church. Indeed I do have my own testimony. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, called to restore Christ's church to the earth. We have a prophet today who leads and guides us. I am so grateful for Latter-day scriptures that bear testimony of Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is the Word of God. It stands as another witness of the Savior and it's truths have touched my life in very personal ways.

I hope that my poetry reflects the growth of my testimony and my love for Jesus Christ.

Christmas Gift to God

Everyone who celebrates the real Christmas in our culture usually has added Santa to the celebration.  For good or for bad he has become a part of the season.  And there is good and bad in that addition.  The bad part for me is that Santa makes Christmas "all about me" as the child worries about what Santa will bring him.  Perhaps I blame Santa too much.  Perhaps the addition of gift giving even without Santa would do that.  The average child is not ready to focus on giving. He is too self-centered.  So Christmas begins with "me" in the way we celebrate.  Talk all you want about the real meaning of Christmas - the child will go to sleep Christmas eve excited because Santa is coming.

Yet fairy tales end and children grow up.  The focus gradually changes.  One of the joys of being a parent is that you become Santa and you are totally focused on delighting your children. 

Yet there is still another whole level of Christmas celebration that occurs to those who focus their celebration on the Savior himself.  It happens over time as year after year you celebration this "holy day".  The story become etched on your heart. "And in came to pass in those days. . ." becomes more important than "Twas the night before Christmas. . ."

Then life itself brings a unique set of challenges to each of us that cause us to reach out to this Christ Child.  Those personal experiences change our hearts and the holiday comes and we find ourselves celebrating the birth of the One who has given us so much!  Our hearts are filled with loved for Him.  What a celebration Christmas then becomes.

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