My whole life I have been trying to understand prayer. As a child I was taught rote prayers. They were meaningful yet limiting but I was never taught that you would just "talk" to the Lord. In my mind He was like the Wizard of Oz - so magnificent that you could not address Him like you would a human being. And so I developed my own litany as I prayed each night. I prayed the Lord's Prayer, Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, and then added the 23rd Psalm, the Beatitudes, and other scriptures I had memorized. I just wanted to make my communication with deity meaningful. Then one night when I was teen I knelt and talked to the Lord. I began by apologizing for talking to Him so casually "but I just need to talk to you." is what I said. And so I began praying in my own way.
Over the years I have tried to make this time mean something - this time of talking to Father. But it was not until I reached a crisis in life that I really prayed. I don't expect that I am that different from most people. On a good day my prayers are different that on a bad day. I am still working at making my prayers better. I know that I cannot rush my time with the Lord. And so now I try to think of prayer as the time I get to visit with Him - to actually be with Him. And I spend a lot more time just listening. I am just grateful that He always has time for me.
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